Drug Offense Lawyers in Essex County, NJ
Knowledgeable Defense Lawyers Represent Clients Accused of Drug Offenses in Essex County, NJ
You didn’t think it could happen to you, but it has: you’ve been arrested on drug charges in New Jersey. Whether you have been accused of a misdemeanor or felony-level drug offense in Essex County, you need a knowledgeable drug offense defense lawyer in your corner. The skill and experience of your defense lawyer will be important in making sure your legal rights are protected. Your future is too important—you need the best possible lawyer to fight to avoid the negative consequences of a conviction.
At Birkhold & Maider, LLC, we know that even the prospect of hiring a lawyer can be intimidating. We’re committed to making the process as simple as possible for our clients by offering a free initial consultation where we will clearly explain what to expect in your case. We also make an effort to communicate with you personally while your case is pending—so you know what to expect when you appear in court.
If you are facing drug charges, our experienced lawyers at Birkhold & Maider, LLC are here to assess your case with no cost or risk to you. New Jersey controlled dangerous substance (CDS) laws can be complex—and the circumstances surrounding warrants, searches, and arrests can be equally, if not more, complicated.
Our talented lawyers have over 40 years’ collective experience successfully helping our clients in drug charge cases. We know how New Jersey drug offense cases work, so call or contact us today to discuss options in your case.
We Handle All Types of Drug Charge Cases in Essex County and North Jersey
Conviction for a drug charge can have devastating consequences that can haunt you for the rest of your life. Our strong legal team will fight to minimize those consequences, regardless of whether you are facing charges involving:
- Cocaine
- Ecstasy
- Heroin or other opioids
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamines
- Prescription drugs
Regardless of the type of drug charge involved, you need strong and aggressive legal help on your side to prevent conviction if at all possible in your case. Our top-rated lawyers are here to fight for your rights if you are facing a drug possession charge in municipal court related to actions involving:
- Possession of a controlled and dangerous substance,
- Intent-to-sell a CDS,
- Attempted sale of a CDS to another person,
- Drug distribution, or
- Any combination of these basic offenses.
Potential Defenses and Options in North Jersey Drug Charge Cases
In some cases, we may be able to help you avoid actual criminal prosecution in New Jersey by filing for admission into the pre-trial intervention (PTI) Program. This is a type of “diversionary” program available to some first-time offenders. If you are admitted, you will be eligible to get the treatment you need without having to face jail time. You will also avoid the future stigma of a criminal record.
While many cases involving allegations of possession of a controlled substance begin as the result of routine traffic stops, searches and seizures can happen anywhere. After carefully reviewing all evidence in your case, our seasoned drug offense lawyers at Birkhold & Maider, LLC will devise the best strategy for defending against those charges. Some common and effective defenses to allegations of New Jersey drug offenses include:
- Lack of probable cause to arrest,
- The police did not have reasonable suspicion to stop your car,
- No probable cause to ask for consent to search your vehicle or home,
- Police failure to explain your right to refuse consent to search,
- Your consent to search was not given voluntarily,
- You did not actually or constructively possess the drugs,
- Exoneration by co-defendant,
- Errors in lab testing procedures or chain of control,
- Lack of a warrant to search, and
- Other challenges that may be appropriate based on an analysis of the evidence and circumstances of your case.
Our skilled lawyers will work tirelessly to ensure that you are fairly treated. We explore all potential legal avenues in your case, including possible diversionary programs for first-time offenders that can help prevent conviction under New Jersey law.
How Our Experienced Drug Charge Defense Lawyers Can Help in Your North Jersey Case
Our experienced drug offense lawyers explore every possible defense avenue to build a strong defense in your case. We will:
- Work to obtain all of the prosecution’s evidence,
- Analyze that evidence to uncover holes in the evidence,
- Challenge the admissibility of evidence,
- Challenge the credibility of witnesses,
- Conduct our own independent investigation to determine whether favorable evidence was ignored or whether racial bias played a role in your arrest,
- Form a strong argument for admission into a diversionary program instead of prosecution if advisable in your case.
During our years of practice, we have earned a proven track record of successfully defending clients arrested on drug offense charges throughout North Jersey. Call us today to see how we can put our experience to work for you.
Call Today to Schedule a Risk-Free Consultation with Our Experienced Drug Charge Defense Lawyers in Montclair, NJ
We know that some lawyers get a bad reputation for keeping clients in the dark and handing their questions off to assistants and support staff. At Birkhold & Maider, LLC, you’ll actually be able to talk to your lawyer when you have a question about your case. In fact, we’re known for reaching out to keep you informed every step of the way.
Remember, you have the right to remain silent and call an attorney when charged with a drug offense in New Jersey. Our top-rated lawyers are here to help you navigate the complex criminal justice system, so call or contact our lawyers today for a free consultation about your drug offense charges.
Frequently Asked Questions About Drug Charges in New Jersey
In New Jersey, drugs are classified by schedule based upon how addictive the drug is and whether the drug has a medically accepted use. Crimes involving Schedule I drugs like heroin or LSD carry the harshest penalties. Both the schedule and the amount of drug involved influence the potential penalties that you may face upon conviction.
Despite efforts to legalize marijuana in New Jersey, marijuana is still illegal under current New Jersey law. Possession of marijuana is also illegal under federal law. Even though attitudes regarding marijuana use have relaxed, you can be prosecuted for a drug offense if you are found to possess marijuana.