Accidents to Children

Accidents to Children Lawyers in Essex County, NJ

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers Provide Compassionate and Skilled Advocacy in Cases Involving Accidents to Children in Essex County, NJ

Getting injured from time to time is a fact of life for most children—a simple part of growing up that cannot be entirely avoided even with exercising appropriate caution.  In other cases, however, accidents to children may expose the child to the pain and suffering of a serious injury because another person failed to exercise the caution necessary to keep your child safe.  Because children are, by nature, much more vulnerable than adults, serious injuries to children have the potential to produce much more damaging and lasting consequences to your child’s life—and you may have the right to file a personal injury claim against the negligent party on behalf of your child to get compensation for those adverse consequences.

At Birkhold & Maider, LLC, our Essex County lawyers have significant experience handling cases involving accidents to children and we understand the unique complexities that can arise in these cases.  We make ourselves available to answer any questions you may have while your insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit is pending because we know how important it is for you to recover fair compensation to hold the negligent actor responsible for your child’s injuries.  While no amount of compensation can fully make up for the fact that your child suffered an injury, our child accident lawyers will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the maximum award to which you are entitled. We are here to help in cases involving accidents to children in Nutley and throughout Essex County, NJ, so call our team today to schedule a free initial case evaluation.

Examples of Child Accident Cases Our Firm Handles

Our experienced lawyers have successfully represented clients in personal injury claims involving accidents to children for decades, including in situations where children have sustained injuries in:

Any type of accident to children can result in much more severe injuries than an adult would suffer in the same circumstances.  For example, despite appropriate car seats, a car accident can cause much more significant injuries to children because of their smaller size—whether the injuries are caused by a defect in the vehicle, such as malfunctioning seatbelts, or another driver’s negligence in causing the accident to begin with.  Fall injuries sustained as a result of faulty playground equipment can also be more significant when a small child is involved because that child may not yet have the fully developed reflexes necessary to avoid the most serious harm.

Aggressive Injury Lawyers Fight for Fair Compensation for Clients in Cases Involving Accidents to Children Throughout Essex County, NJ

At Birkhold & Maider, LLC, our experienced lawyers have successfully helped many clients recover compensation in cases involving accidents to children—so we are not deterred by the fact that these cases can be complex.  Children often do not have the communication skills necessary to fully convey what happened to cause their accident, which can complicate cases where you had entrusted your child’s care to another person whose negligence may have contributed to the accident.  In any case involving an accident to children, the process of determining the full value of your child’s injury can be complicated by the fact that if the injury was serious, a full compensation package will account for care that can span decades—and the impact of the injury may change over time, as your child grows.

Regardless of the facts of your specific case, we analyze the unique factors involved and work with highly respected experts to obtain a compensation package that will account for:

  • All current medical expenses,
  • The anticipated cost of care over time, whether in the form of future doctor’s visits, rehabilitative care, in-home care and more,
  • The anticipated cost of the injury to your child’s life in terms of future earning capacity,
  • The cost of psychological counseling,
  • Pain and suffering,
  • Emotional trauma.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation to Discuss Recovering Compensation for Accidents to Children in Nutley, NJ

Accidents to children can turn an ordinary day into a devastating and life-changing point in time.  At Birkhold & Maider, LLC, we fight to ensure our clients receive the fullest compensation awards possible for injuries their children have sustained because of third-party negligence.  Children may be resilient, but you need adequate compensation to ensure your child gets the best treatment possible, both now and in the future. For a free initial consultation, call or contact our experienced Essex County child accident lawyers today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Claims Involving Accidents to Children Nutley, NJ

FAQ: What are the relevant time frames for bringing a claim in a case involving accidents to children in New Jersey?  

Under New Jersey law, you technically have two years from the date of your child’s accident to file a personal injury lawsuit for compensation in most cases.  However, your child, as a minor, retains the right to file a personal injury lawsuit on his or her own behalf until two years from the date he or she reaches age 18.  These deadlines can change if the accident happened in a public park or involved a government worker, for example, as claims against a government entity require that a notice be filed within 90 days of the accident.  Because of these deadlines, it is important to contact an experienced child accident lawyer as soon as possible after the accident occurs.

FAQ: What types of evidence can be relevant if my child was injured, but doesn’t remember the details of the accident?  

Our lawyers begin investigating immediately to uncover any evidence that can support your claim.  Eyewitness testimony can be valuable, as can any video surveillance of the area in which the accident occurred.  We will examine the scene thoroughly and, depending upon the specifics of your case, retain experts who can help reconstruct the accident scene to gain a more clear understanding of what happened.